Unlock the world of effective, reward-based gundog training and transform the way you train with Completely Gundogs.
Gain exclusive access to an extensive library of training videos helping you train your labrador or spaniel everything - from puppy basics all the way through to advanced drills for experienced dogs looking to work on a shoot or compete in working tests.
Training Techniques and Tools
At Completely Gundogs, we know that training isn't just about mastering commands, it's about building a bond with your dog and having an enjoyable experience, or two, along the way. This is why all our force-free training methods focus on setting your dog up for success, rewarding them with things they find reinforcing and avoiding punishment and harsh handling.
Collette encourages the use of clickers and placeboards to simplify complex tasks. This approach breaks down complex tasks into smaller, understandable stages, making learning faster and more efficient for your dog.
Your Expert Guide: Collette May
Collette May has decided over a decade to helping handlers unlock the potential of their gundogs. Her extensive theoretical and practical training with world-class trainers ensures you receive the highest standard of instruction. Collette's passion lies in enhancing communication between humans and dogs. She teaches her students to read their dogs' body language and become aware of their own. She believes that understanding our dogs is the key to increased cooperation and obedience.
As a recipient of numerous awards in working tests, Collette prides herself on her high standards of training, exclusively using positive reinforcement methods, without any punishment or harsh handling required.
Whether you're looking to work your dog in the field, want to compete in working tests, or are looking to give your pet gundog an outlet for their natural talents, training under Collette's guidance will help you reach your goals.
Membership Perks
As a member of Completely Gundogs, you not only get unlimited access to the video library, but also an invitation to our members only Facebook group, priority booking for our gundog training holidays and workshops, and the option to upgrade to VIP level for additional 121 support from Collette.
Transform Your Gundog Training Experience
Join Completely Gundogs today and embark on a rewarding journey with your Labrador or Spaniel. Make the most of your training experience with the guidance of Collette May and our comprehensive library of training videos.